The Bible in Genesis 6:4 states:

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown.”

Fallen angels came to earth and using their own DNA and that of apes, fashioned man to enslave in order to mine gold the fallen angels or aliens needed on their planet. Out of this breeding came giants of whom God attempted to rid the earth, considering them an abomination, through the Great Flood. So say several investigators, archaeologists and theorists, using information not readily available to the public. Some of this information includes the discovery of gold mines and miles of terraces found in South Africa which date back thousands of years.

Anderson, Indiana lies 30 miles northeast of Indianapolis and has had in its history two claims to fame. Founded by Chief William Anderson of the Delaware tribe, a cross-breed Swedish and Delaware Indian, the town first became the natural gas capital of the world in the 1880s, then, a testing ground of car invention leading to it becoming a General Motors town.

As a GM town, it flourished and so did its inhabitants until GM decided to take the jobs and factories elsewhere starting in the 1970s. Now, town fathers try every few years to reinvent the city by attracting small manufacturers. Its heyday seems to be well over with a falling population and the slow disintegration of the city.

Always proud of its Indian heritage, the town celebrates the Delaware Indian tribe who founded the city first known as Andersontown. However, most inhabitants still have no idea that long before Chief Anderson brought his tribe westward from Pennsylvania and Ohio, ancient giants inhabited the area. When told about a late 1800s newspaper article telling of the discovery of six giant skeletons in the burial mounds, Michaelene McWilliams, who has worked in the Mounds State Park for six years, said she had never heard such a story.

Were the skeletons the known Mound Builders who first settled the area, almost exactly where the Delaware would set up camp, or were they some other race of giants?

To this day, none of the tourists to the mounds, its docents or even the school children of Anderson, Indiana were taught about the giant skeletons or that the Smithsonian took the bones away, never to be displayed. During the time of the discovery, the Smithsonian was taking possession of nearly every giant skeleton found throughout the entire country, including the largest discovery of skeletons found in the Great Mound in Ohio.

What the intent of the institution was for the giant skeletons has never been discovered, but several investigators today believe the Smithsonian was founded at least in part to take the skeletons and hide or destroy them, dumping some by the barges full in the Atlantic Ocean. Why, one might ask. Some believe it was to hide the true history of the earth, as giant skeletons were being discovered throughout the world in the late 1800s, and some believe it was to back up Darwin’s theory of evolution. If such entities lived on earth thousands of years ago, then Darwin’s theory would be automatically called into question.

The giants found in Anderson were not as large as the largest ones found in Peru and France, measuring 36 feet tall and 25 feet tall, respectively; but they were considerably taller than the tallest men at that time, at least seven to nine feet tall. The thousands of giant skeletons found throughout the world have measured from seven to 36 feet tall. Some have six fingers and toes and a double row of teeth and a few have been found with horn-like protuberances on their foreheads.

Never included in history books is the fact that every Native American tribe in America tells the same tale of having to fight and kill the giants because they were man eaters and were decimating the native tribes. Perhaps because the giants were so large, the tribes mounded dirt to bury them instead of digging graves, which would explain the hundreds, if not thousands of mound burial sites throughout the mid west and other parts of the country. Giant skeletal remains have also been found from Brooklyn, NY to the Channel Islands off the coast of California. Most of the remains are mass burials with signs of violent death, as if a huge battle had been fought, won and the massacred buried as efficiently as possible.

The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley website reports in an article in the Lima Daily News, July 27, 1892, that Congress was considering buying the Anderson mounds for a national park, as the mounds were considered exceptional in that day. The largest of the five mounds is 100 feet across, 180 feet in diameter and ten feet high, surrounded by forest. These mounds appear to be planned out as all openings to them face the North Star. Not only were the skulls found here very large, but they all contained a fifth skull bone. The giant skeletons in the dried air mound were found sitting and as the fresh air entered the tomb, their bones disintegrated to powder. Scientific study placed the existence of these beings to the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs.

L.A. Marzulli, author and investigator, traveled to Peru to visit the burial grounds of the giants found there and to find some of the skulls stored in museums. He had a hard time finding skulls because it seemed every major museum had taken down its display of skulls, so he visited smaller museums until he found one that had a display of several skulls. When he showed a doctor photos of the skulls, the doctor verified they were not human because besides being gigantic, they had an extra skull plate. Marzulli also saw paintings in a cave there that showed a giant in flight, using his long tongue to lick the human skull he was carrying, a very frightening drawing indicating cannibalism.

Most, if not all, of American history textbooks never mention Cahokia, America’s greatest city for its time, a very large Indian trading city, 3.5 miles in size, on the site of where St. Louis now stands. It was built about 600 CE, the same time of the Mayan culture, and was surrounded by 120 pyramids and farmland. At its zenith, the city had 15,000 inhabitants, which compared to Paris population-wise at the time. The city existed at the time of the Mound Builders and it is surmised they were the ones who built Cahokia. But, the mystery remains, who were the Mound Builders, also called the Adena-Hopewell. Little of their existence remains,except for their mounds.

In 1170 CE, a “mysterious fire” destroyed the city, and when it was rebuilt, defense walls were built and the new buildings, which were all smaller, were fortified. The city was never as populated or as powerful following the fire. How the fire started has never been discovered, but the homes that burned were built with thatched roofs and were easily destroyed. Archaeologists have surmised that rebels burned the town and instituted a sun imagery that was used thereafter, but if you put pieces of the puzzle together, you might come up with an entirely different history.

Taking the tales of the modern Native Americans, whose cultures related stories of the giants, you can imagine that they were the ones who burned Cahokia to destroy the giants within the city. When they rebuilt, of course they put up defenses and built much smaller homes to live in because they were not giants like their predecessors. The homes they built were more regulated in size and did not reflect the wealth that the previous larger homes did.

One of the most amazing facts withheld from history books is that virtually every explorer who came to the New World encountered giants: Amerigo Vespucci, Magellan, Coronado, De Soto, and Sir Francis Drake. Though the numerous accounts cited earlier are compelling, and are certainly supported by the eyewitness accounts of some of the world’s most esteemed – these stories were also chronicled by the Spanish and other explorers.

Much later, writer James A. Jones, told the story of the Lenni-Lenape tribe (later, the Delaware) encountering a giant race near the Mississippi who they had asked for permission to settle there, which was denied. He wrote that these giants were very powerful and lived in great villages with high walls. The Lenape called this giant race the Allegewi, who allowed the Lenape only to pass through their lands. The story is told that when the Allegewi saw how many Lenape were crossing their lands, they became angered and fought the Lenape, who suffered great losses at the giants’ hands.

David Cusick, a Tuscororan Indian, wrote in 1825 about a giant tribe called the Ronnongwetowanca in the Ohio Valley. He wrote that other smaller tribes grew tired of the giants attacking them, so with a force of 800 warriors they  annihilated all of the Ronnongwetowanca people. After that, there were no more giants anywhere. He wrote that this happened 2500 years before Columbus discovered America, about 1000 B.C.E. The thousands who were killed were laid together in heaps and covered with dirt, which again could explain the mound building prevalent in the Ohio Valley.

In an article titled “A Prehistoric Cemetery” in a newspaper called The Pioneer, it was written that near the junction of the Hart and Missouri Rivers was an ancient 100 acre cemetery filled with bones of a giant race. The cemetery was filled with “trenches piled full of dead bodies, both man and beast.” The mounds were from 8 to 10 feet high and some 100 feet or more in length.

“This has evidently been a grand battlefield, where thousands of men … have fallen. Nothing like a systematic or intelligent exploration has made as only little holes two or three feet in depth have been dug in some of the mounds, but many parts of the anatomy of man and beast, and beautiful specimens of broken pottery and other curiosities, have been found in these feeble efforts at excavation,” the article read.

Five miles away on the opposite side of the Missouri River, was found another vast cemetery that the Native Americans said they knew nothing about, saying it was there before the redman came.

One of the most amazing discoveries of a giant cemetery was reported in the Fort Wayne, Indiana Sentinel newspaper Nov. 28, 1897. It reported that a prehistoric battlefield with the skulls of 100,000 “Giant Neanderthals” – some with two rows of teeth and others with red hair still attached – all with arrow points in them – was found near Wichita, Kansas, in Redlands near the Choctaw Indian reservation. During the 1800s, many newspaper articles were written about the discoveries of these ancient bones, but somehow, that information never made it to the pages of our history books.

An archaeologist, Prof. Edwin Walters, found the 30 acre site. At that time, he believed the battle had taken place 20,000 years before and was fought between the Mound Builders and the Maya Toltec race from Yucatan that was trying to take over the Mississippi Valley. Almost 3000 skeletons lay in every square mile of the area. The bones were “dug out by the carload” and each skull was found with one to five arrow heads sticking into it. Some of the skeletons were dwarfish while others were gigantic, and they were all buried in circles in a sitting position, just like the ones found in Anderson, Indiana.

Europe, Asia, Africa-they all have their own giant history that has been discovered and covered up. If all this knowledge were brought to the forefront, at the very least history books would have to be rewritten. At the most, we might finally have an answer to that ancient question,” Where did we come from?”

Editors note & Supporting Documents:

The entire conspiracy theory revolving around the existence of ancient giants or Nephilim lies with the Smithsonian’s insistence that no physical specimens of such creatures remain. Those who choose to discredit stories of Nephilim argue that since there’s no physical evidence to analyze – giants never existed but hundreds and perhaps thousands of newspaper accounts from the 19th and early 20th century say otherwise.

Also contrary to popular belief – the Smithsonian does in fact have records of abnormally long skeletons on file but to add more fuel to the fire of those who support the theory of giants, the Smithsonian now claims that the physical remains associated with those official documents have also been lost. Published in 1894 the 12th Annual Report from the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian – written by Cyrus Thomas and Thomas Powell, who where agents for that bureau, contains several verifiable accounts of large, 7-9 feet tall humanistic skeletal remains found right here in the United States. One particular example was logged in Roane County, Tennessee:

“Underneath [a] layer of shells the earth was very dark and appeared to be mixed with vegetable mold to the depth of 1 foot. At the bottom of this, resting on the original surface of the ground, was a very large skeleton lying horizontally at full length. Although very soft, the bones were sufficiently distinct to allow of careful measurement before attempting to remove them. The length from the base of the skull to the bones of the toes was found to be 7 feet 3 inches. It is probable, therefore, that this individual when living was fully 7½ feet high.”

The relevant portion from the excerpt above can be found on page 362, and is pictured below:

Within that same report is reference to another presumed Indian burial mound located in Dunlieth, Illinois:

“Near the original surface, 10 or 12 feet from the center, on the lower side, lying at full length on its back, was one of the largest skeletons discovered by the Bureau agents, the length as proved by actual measurement being between 7 and 8 feet. It was clearly traceable, but crumbled to pieces immediately after removal from the hard earth in which it was encased….”

Page 115 of the report features the corroborating text:

That PDF file can be downloaded in it’s entirety here.

Below are just a few of the various newspaper clippings one can expect to encounter when searching online databases, such as the library of congress. Click on one to be taken into the viewing gallery for closer inspection:

There are too many reports from verifiable sources indicating the existence of ancient giant remains to be dismissed so quickly and the fact that the Smithsonian has on record such discoveries made in the 19th century but is still unable to hand over or at least display the evidence which was logged into their own possession by their very own field agents – claiming such important scientific evidence has either been lost or destroyed – is a red flag that someone or some entity has engaged in seemingly nefarious actions in an attempt to re-bury our past and along with it the certainty that giants did in fact once roam the earth.

Post Author: jandcexposed