Lawmakers in Michigan are considering a bill that would ban Sharia law in that states courts, but the measure is being opposed fervently by The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim activist group, and in some states that have already approved anti-Sharia legislation, such as Oklahoma, CAIR has actually filed suit in an attempt to reverse the anti-Sharia law. In November, Oklahoma voters approved a referendum that prevents that state’s courts from considering “international or Shariah law” in their decisions.

In Michigan, Gov. Rick Snyder is being pressured by CAIR to veto the legislation completely but on Tuesday there were no signs that the governor would appease the minority group, as the Michigan House of Representatives began talks considering the anti-Sharia measure.

While the proposed Michigan policy doesn’t mention “Islam” at all, it would prohibit the inclusion of any “foreign laws” that could undermine “constitutional rights.” The legislation in many states is being drafted by a template used by the American Public Policy Alliance, a nonpartisan advocacy group. APPA describes itself as “dedicated to government transparency, government accountability and the constitutionality of U.S. and state laws and policies.”

There are currently 20 states considering similar measures and so far three states — Louisiana, Oklahoma and Tennessee — have passed anti-Sharia laws.

Post Author: jandcexposed