Rham Emanuel has once again proven he is a disgrace and should be removed from office at once. Just two days after attempting to ban Chic-fil-A restaurants in the city of Chicago and stating  “Chic-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” in reference to the restaurant owners comments supporting traditional marriage, Emanuel has once again proven himself an impotent leader and a poor decision maker. Apparently Chicago values are those of THE NATION OF ISLAM.

Emanuel has taken it upon himself, in light of the fact that his city ranks #1 in murders to date in 2012, to invite Louis Farrakhan and his rag tag bunch of Allah followers, the “Nation of Islam,”who’s security division – the “Fruit of Islam” – is to come and police the city of Chicago!

The radical Islamist Farrakhan, who is world renowned for spewing messages of hate and racial intolerance, and his radical Islam group received similar contracts during the 1990′s (because crime was out of control under the leadership of yet another democrat president, sorry bill, we good!! we good!!) primarily to patrol and staff public housing complexes in slummy urban areas like Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles and received at least $20 million in the 90′s for that security work. Nation of Islam Security (fruit of Islam, or of the loom, both close to an ass and filled with shit marks) had difficulty and faced opposition by some members of Congress and the Anti-Defamation League, among others. It also faced scrutiny from federal agencies for racial (NO WHITES, CRACKERS, etc) and gender preference in hiring and from the IRS for failure to withhold taxes from employees.

Think Farrakhan’s group of Islamic radicals are any less venomous than the ones in the middle east? Think again. According to their Fruit of Islam site their mantra describes members as “brave fighter[s] for Allah” engaged in “a unique war for the very heart and soul of a people.”  War … for hearts AND SOULS of people. Did you catch that? Did it really sink in or did you simply glaze over it? It’s easy to do, but those are dangerous words and if you aren’t careful they can be passed off as benign at first glance.

Let’s take a look at some of the leaders both past and present of the NOI cult. A real bunch of  cutie pies leading this show of Islamic crime fighters:

Wallace Fard Muhammad
Elijah Muhammad · Malcolm X
Warith Deen Mohammed
Louis Farrakhan
Tynetta Muhammad
Mustapha Farrakhannation of islam,rham emanuel,chicago,fruit of islam,islamist,radical islam
Ishmael Muhammad
Ava Muhammad
(being a realist, I would enter Barack Obama right here)

I wonder if our republican congress, led by rip van winkle Boehner – will take exception with this latest Emanuel fiasco the way congress did back when the speaker of the house actually had a penis? I doubt it. No, he won’t. And you’d better be prepared to answer to MISTER Farakhan when he comes knocking on your door brother, because he’s gonna have the law of Obama on his side and some tough questions to ask you, which by then may include – how many guns and how many bibles do you own?

It’s coming. They prove me right EVERY DAY.

Post Author: jandcexposed