In close coordination with Planned Parenthood, Democrat lawmakers have repealed the Colorado criminal abortion statutes which is the premise of the newly passed House Bill 1154 – prohibiting criminal prosecution of abortionists like Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell – making it legal in Colorado to kill a child, regardless of the circumstances surrounding his/her birth. The bill simply decriminalizes any act perpetrated against the child and trivializes it to nothing more than property damage.

The bill states that “nothing in this act shall be construed to confer personhood, or any rights associated with that status, on a human being at any time prior to live birth. Nothing in this article shall permit the prosecution of a person for any act of providing medical, surgical or any other type of care.”

According to the Democrats who sponsored and lobbied for the measure are led by Senate President John Morse, majority caucus chair Jeanne Nicholson and House Speaker Mark Ferrandino.

The bill repeals the Colorado criminal abortion statutes and in addition removes freedom of conscience – or, a health care workers right to refuse to be a part of an abortion procedure (so much for choice – so hypocritical). It also protects an abortionist in the case that a minor is brought in to have an abortion, perhaps by her parents or guardian, against her own will. In that circumstance the abortionist cannot be charged.

In a blistering article the Denver Post ripped the new legislation and stated that an abortionist, according to the Planned Parenthood contrived laws, could not be charged even if it was the pregnant women who was harmed or even killed during a botched abortion procedure (Gosnell is facing one count of murder relating to a young women who died in his clinic of anesthesia complications): Planned Parenthood has passed HB 1154 which bans criminal charges for women killed in abortion procedures and repeals Colorado criminal laws that have been on the books for years.

Under these new laws, if Gosnell had been operating his clinic in the state of Colorado, he would never have been charged.

Jennifer Mason, spokeswoman for Personhood Colorado, says that the legislation opens the door of danger for pregnant women in Colorado:

“Planned Parenthood’s backdoor attempt to repeal Colorado criminal laws has passed. No matter how negligent an abortionist may be, even if he is on par with Kermit Gosnell, he or she can no longer be criminally charged. Planned Parenthood has effectively created an abortion free-for-all in Colorado. Planned Parenthood’s deceptive new bill has created an infinitely more dangerous environment for pregnant women.”

Colorado Rep. Lori Saine, R-Dacono, told WND the measure is misleading – attempting to justify killing of innocent children “under guise of protecting pregnant women,” and insisted that by repealing the previous abortion standards the bill is nothing more than “the Kermit Gosnell Enabler Act. HB 1154 is a defining example of the lengths the abortion industry will go to garner more protection for abortionists like Kermit Gosnell than they will for pregnant women and the children they carry.”

Colorado democrats have been able to write legislation pretty much at will recently because they control a majority in both the House and Senate and have a leftist Governor in John Hickenlooper. The two term mayor of Denver became Colorado governor in 2011 and is an outspoken pro-choicecivil union and gun control extremist.

Post Author: jandcexposed